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What is a temporary employment agency (APT)?

A temporary employment agency acts as an intermediary between workers and employers, providing temporary work for workers in various industries and sectors. It also provides the necessary training, insurance and other paperwork for temporary workers. The temporary staffing agency recruits workers and matches them to specific companies or positions based on their qualifications and employers’ requirements.

QSense Personel

Temporary employment agency (APT)

QSense Personnel is the certainty of an individual and flexible approach to the recruitment process for each project. We know how many factors influence what kind of employees are needed for specific positions, so we analyze them and take them meticulously into account when hiring new people. In addition, we also check what expectations and motivation each job candidate has, so we can effectively place them in positions according to their predispositions. QSense Personnel is a comprehensive service so that recruiting employees will no longer be your nagging worry.


Why use QSense Personnel’s services?

  • With QSense Personnel, the resources of a given company needed for the employee recruitment process are freed up. This gives more freedom to allocate them efficiently to areas that can bring more benefits to the organization.
  • By standardizing operations and conducting recruitment on a large scale, the costs of the process are greatly optimized. In other words, through QSense Personnel’s activities, the costs associated with hiring new employees can be minimized.
  • QSense Personnel takes responsibility for HR and payroll processes for temporary employees. These areas can take up a lot of time and energy in your organization’s departments when recruiting temporary workers.
  • Temporary employment agency services also have an impact on minimizing staff turnover. QSense Personnel effectively manages the processes, ensuring that dedicated employees are recruited and taken care of throughout their employment.
  • QSense Personnel takes full responsibility for the legalization of employees, also taking care of the duties related to foreigners’ work permits. As a result, you don’t have to worry about your own knowledge of the complex laws and regulations in this area.
  • Constant assistance from QSense Personnel at every stage of cooperation – you can count on our support at every stage. We are committed to making our work together as efficient as possible.
Do you need employees?

Contact us!

Sales department

Michał Dudar

tel. +48 887 158 888
Żmigrodzka 81/206
51-130 Wrocław

Would you like to have us source employees for your company? Ask a question and we will answer it as quickly as possible.


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